Biography: Lucie Zackova
Neonatology is a young, dynamically developing field of medicine. Czech Republic is one of the countries that belong to the world leaders in the field of neonatal care.
Use of non-conventional ventilation modes, the application of exogenous surfactant, invasive and non-invasive monitoring of vital signs, application of nitric oxide and ultimately, implementing the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) - these are only a few examples of practices that are currently part of the treatment of sick babies.
The aims of Nedoklubko to support mothers after premature birth with a small gift, encouraging message, an information booklet, book, magazine etc. (In 2015 in Czech Rep. was prematurely born about 8% of children - about 8470)
The project involves all 12 NICU´s and some of Neonatal Intermediate Care Units (24 hospitals in total), we have about 20 coordinators .Emotional and psychological support for families after premature birth and involvement of the general public to help these families