Gülümser Dogun
Istanbul University-CerrahpaÅŸa, Turkey
Title: Effect of nonpharmacologic pain control during examination for retinopathy of prematurity
Biography: Gülümser Dogun
Effect of nonpharmacologic pain control during examination for retinopathy of prematurity: it was published in the "Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 46, 5, 709-715". This study was created for Master thesis by Åžirin Bozlak. This study was of experimental design and was conducted to determine the effect of the nonpharmacologic application in preterm infant’s pain control during premature retinopathy examination. The data for the research were obtained from 87 preterm neonates (29 swaddle - sucrose, 29 swaddle - breast milk and 29 swaddle - sterile water) who matched the case selection criteria and were being cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit of Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical School, Children’s Health and Diseases Department, Division of Neonatology over the period June - September 2013. An information forms and premature infant pain profile forms were used in data collection. The data were evaluated with the chi-square test and one-way variance analysis using means, standard deviation, frequencies and percentage distribution. The study received human research ethics approval from the study site and from the ethics committee of Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty Medicine. The parents provided written consent for the participation of their infants after being informed about the study in accordance with the guidelines issued in the declaration of Helsinki. During the eye examination pain scores was 9.1 in swaddle- sucrose group; 8.45 in swaddle- breast milk; 8.38 in swaddle- sterile water. The results of the research showed that all there were no significant differences in mean PIPP scores.